A 4-year-old girl will be taken into state custody after she is released from the Children's Hospital. The girl apparently was acting strange and had a smell of alcohol on her as stated by teachers who told officers this news. Kathleen Kennedy, Oklahoma City spokeswoman, has denied that the child was taken anywhere, accrording to KOCO.
According to an officer at the Village Police Department, the child had to be carried out of Andrew Johnson Elementary School by paramedics. At this time, it is still unknown how the child obtained the alcohol but it is believed that she obtained it before going to school. The child had been said to be doing good. There is being an investigation done by the police to determine how the child received the alcohol, as reported by KOCO.
Children can find their way into many things that parents think are well hidden. Through trial and error I have found some of the best places to put things such as alcohol, medication, and tobacco products. I have all three in my home and started planning a little wiser after I seen my daughter take a child-proof medicine bottle from my purse and throw it across the room. The bottle broke and the medicine went everywhere. This just goes to show you that even though it may say child-proof; children can find ways to get into it. Safe guarding dangerous substances will help to protect your children.
No alcohol is kept inside of the house; I store this in the attic where the children are too short to reach the ladder drop down. I no longer keep my medicine in a medicine cabinet, these are all put in a lock box that has a combination code that has a code that no one knows and the lock box is kept on top of a storage shelf that my husband built way above our closet which is also too high for the children to reach. Tobacco products are all kept in the trunk of our car except for the ones that we are using at the moment and these are kept in a shelf above the refrigerator and even I need a step ladder to reach them.
It is things like this that make you think about how safe your home really is and why you should go to every length possible to protect your children from harmful substances. Even if you don't believe that it may be harmful to them, it could still possess a hazard. Dangerous substances such as alcohol aren't the only things that you should be hiding and protecting your children from. Cleaning products are very dangerous and so are simple things like arts and crafts products that can be mistaken as candy. Always check the labels and see if they say anything that has to do with consumption and if they do, either get rid of them or safe guard them from your children.
Children are curious and even older children can be tempted by alcohol or tobacco products. It is best if your children don't even know that you have these products anywhere in the home so hide them as best as you can in a location that they can not reach or will not think about looking.
Iliving App Review from the heart
I originally posted this on one of my TLD's but I figured it was a great
fit for this blog, seeing as the topic is really kinda about stupid human
tricks. ...
12 years ago
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