Take a look at the picture, does it look like she is in the marriage for love? By the looks of her over painted eyes, she is looking for the nearest move producer.
So here is the Tricia Walsh-smith video which everyone is searching for
Tricia Walsh-Smith has made a name for herself - for all the wrong reasons, says Bryony Gordon
The internet has brought many great things into our lives. Old acquaintances we long ago lost contact with (for good reason). Nigerian conmen who would like to dump a million dollars into our bank accounts.
Russian hackers who would like to take all the money out of our bank accounts. Blogs detailing the mundane minutiae of strangers' lives. And now, acts of revenge from scorned, psychotic exes.
Tricia Walsh-Smith has amused several hundred thousand of us this week with her six-minute YouTube rant about her millionaire theatre impresario husband, Phil Smith. Walsh-Smith has obviously gone to a lot of trouble creating this video - there are captions which describe her as an "actress/playwright/good egg", though few people had heard of her before.
But while the production values are impressive, it is a shame the same cannot be said of the script.
Standing in the Park Avenue apartment that Mr Smith hopes to have her removed from, the British actress, who has appeared in Grange Hill and Benny Hill, explains that her 74-year-old husband is 25 years older than her, that she is about the same age as his two daughters, and that he wants to leave his fortune to them.
"Poor, vulnerable Tricia" (the film's words, not mine) then proceeds to tell us that they never had sex, and that she recently found a stash of Viagra, condoms and pornographic movies.
Eyes wild, she calls his secretary and asks what she should do with the offending items. "I've got a film crew here.
We're making a YouTube video," she bristles, as if the company had commissioned her, and increasingly you get the impression that work not asked for is the only work she has. "I'm an idiot… A schmuck!" she wails.
At what point, you wonder, did Tricia think this would be a good idea? Was it three quarters of the way through the first bottle? Or halfway through the second?
But it would be unfair to single this particular "good egg" out, because she is only the latest in a long line of people who have used the web in an attempt to get even.
It's no longer good enough to stuff fish fingers in the curtain pole or cut the sleeves off his suit. Revenge, previously a dish best served cold, is now best served online.
Last month, the co-founder of the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, broke up with his girlfriend via his entry on the website, so she sold his dirty laundry on eBay.
Earlier this year, an actress called Jane Slavin got her own back on composer Michael Nyman after he dumped her - she wooed him with online messages under a pseudonym, and then posted a blog which detailed their intimate experiences.
Nyman should count himself lucky. A blog called STD Allstars recently appeared, until the unfortunate man it was created in honour of complained and it was pulled. And if you type ''crazy ex-girlfriend voicemail" into YouTube it will most likely make you want to weep for womankind.
One can see the appeal of revenge online - what an audience compared to the neighbours! - but because of that, you have to be clever. A slurred video listing an ex's faults or an intimate email forwarded to friends is at best unimaginative, at worst a bit stalkery.
Just as their act of infidelity is on the record, so is your act of madness. Do it, and you will forever be known as "that person who humiliated their former lover online while humiliating themselves in the process".
The web may have made revenge easier, but the fundamentals are still the same: all kicking up a fuss does is pump up a cad's ego by letting him know he's broken your heart. If only poor Walsh-Smith knew that the best revenge is none at all.
for those who care, Tune in for more
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