Meghan, the 23-year-old blonde daughter of the Republican presidential candidate John McCain, is a “total daddy’s girl”. She’s also, it seems, a bit of a handful. As a rebellious teenager, Meghan confesses, she once almost became a Democrat.
Instead she registered as an independent, but two months ago, as a Father’s Day gift, she reregistered as a Republican. “I don’t relate to the hard right. I think that’s common knowledge. It’s time to reinvent the Republican party. And I think my dad can do it,” she says.
In an interview with US Glamour magazine, the Columbia University graduate, who has been accompanying McCain on his campaign trail and writes about her adventures on her blog, reveals that she wanted to get “McCain” tattooed on her back – a plan “vehemently shot down” by her dad. She already has a tattoo on her foot and is keen to have a star motif, like the one on her dad’s campaign sign, somewhere on her body. “If my brother Jimmy [who is a marine] gets deployed again, we’ll get matching tattoos,” she says.
When he was deployed to fight in the Iraq war, she was so upset that “saying goodbye to him was like an out-of-body experience. It was all these kids – they looked like I could baby-sit them – with guns and bags . . . and everyone’s crying. I just totally broke down . . . I was like: ‘Just come back safe, come back. You’re going to be fine.’ And then at the last minute I was like, ‘He could die’.”
Meghan has recently been spotted having her hair cut at a salon frequented by the actresses Kate Hudson and Jane Fon-da, and lunching with the stars of reality shows, according to the Los Angeles Times. Dating can be tricky, she says. “Guys are like, ‘Oh, you really look like John’, and I’m like, ‘As I get older, I’ll look more like him. You could actually be dating John McCain’.” Worst pickup line? A man who said: “ ‘Baby, I could totally give you a tour of the Capitol’.”
She’s having the time of her life on the political circuit. “When I found out about the campaign, I went to my friends and said, ‘My dad’s running for president. Want to come?’ ” You Can see her blog at http://mccainblogette.com
For More Pictures of the very sexy Meghan McCain
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