MICHAEL PHELPS The 23-year-old swimmer, who won an amazing eight gold medals at last year's Olympic Games in Beijing, was caught smoking a MARIJUANA PIPE at a University of South Carolina party in early November.
MICHAEL PHELPS was in town to a see a sorority girl he was dating, but spent the entire weekend SMOKING MARIJUANA every night, throwing down beers, a British Tabloid reports
"At one point someone asked him if he wanted to smoke some weed," a source told Star. "Michael Phelps didn't hesitate and headed to a small back room, where he was immediately handed a big red BONG STOKED WITH MARIJUANA."
Many are saying this MARIJUANA SMOKING incident could destroy MICHAEL PHELPS' swimming career, however I cannot see how this minor party incident could have any lasting effect. Unless, of course, Olympic Officials determine MARIJUANA as a "performance enhancing drug" Honestly, unless eating chocolate bars and laughing and almost anything becomes an olympic sport, I cannot see Marijuana as enhancing any Olympic Sport. Imagine how well MICHAEL PHELPS would have been at swimming had he not been stoned.... MICHAEL PHELPS has yet to comment on the allegation.