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Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Severe rain followed by overfloawing rivers and flash flooding is wreaking havoc in flood ridden north western and central Georgia. Many in Georgia are calling this recent flooding a "100-year storm". Levee's have broken all over the state causing many neighbourhoods in Georgia to be covered in water.

Six Flags over Georgia is currently flooded, to the point where some portions of the roller coaster tracks have disappeared under brown, murky flood water.

More than 1,500 residents of Trion Georgia were evacuated after rising flood waters in that region of Georgia breached a levee causing backyards and roads to disapear under the floodwaters in Trion Georgia.

This slow moving storm is expected to bring severe rainfall in the Georgia region for a few days as rescue crews work feverishly to pull both the survivors and those who have perished from the Georgia Flood waters. At this time, the Georgia and surrounding region has seen as much as 21 inches of rain from storms stretching from Tennessee to Georgia to North Carolina.

The mass flooding in Carrol County Georgia has already claimed at least six lives with at least another six reporting missing in the floodwaters of Caroll County Georgia. Among the dead is a 2 year old boy who was swept out of his fathers arms while the father was trying to carry his son to safety amidst the rushing currents of flood water in Carrol County Georgia.

At this time, there is no report of the government declaring a state of Emergency in flood riden Carrol County Georgia. However, with 21 inches of rain and counting, President Obama should be declaring a state of emergency and dispatching the National guard at any time now.

The storm is currently stretching from Tennessee to Georgia to North Carolina causing severe rainfall and mass flooding in the region, particularly Carrol Country Georgia, which is currently on the top of searches regarding the flooding in Georgia. The storm is currently covering area's around Dalton and Rome Georgia as well as Chattanooga, Tennessee and Gadsden Alabama.

In addition to those missing and dead in Carrol County Georgia, one person is missing and presumed dead in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue pleaded with residents to stay off the roads, "Stuff is important, but it's not nearly as important as your life," he said. "Please give these waters time to recede."

In related news, President Barack Obama declared the United States is a now a "serious partner in combating global warming" Speaking to other World leaders in a UN Climate summit, Obama stated "We understand the gravity of the climate threat. We are determined to act," Obama said. And we will meet our responsibility to future generations." Obama further went on to say "The journey is hard. And we don't have much time left to make it,"

With the current developments in Northern Georgia and Alabama as well as southern Tennessee, critics of Obama will be hard pressed to find anyone who dies not see the importance in dealing with Global climate change.

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