SAN ANTONIO, Jan 31, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Reliant Technologies, Inc., the pioneer of fractional resurfacing and market leader of aesthetic laser skin treatments, today announced the launch of its Fraxel re:pair laser system to the dermatology community. This world premiere will take place at the AAD's 66th Annual Meeting, Feb. 1 - 5, 2008, at the San Antonio Convention Center.
The Fraxel re:pair laser system, the result of two years of clinical research, represents a new category in skin rejuvenation: Ablative Fractional Resurfacing (AFR(TM: 108.90, +0.58, +0.53%)) treatment. It is the only device on the market that has received FDA clearance specifically for skin resurfacing with a fractional mode of delivery.
"Ablative fractional skin resurfacing with the Fraxel re:pair laser is the biggest breakthrough for wrinkle removal in the last 10 years," said Christopher Zachary, FRCP, chair of the Department of Dermatology, University of California at Irvine. "Results approach those we can achieve with a facelift, with very few complications and limited downtime. The Fraxel re:pair system produces significant tissue tightening, wrinkle reduction and textural improvement, both on and off the face."
The Fraxel re:pair laser is the industry's only minimally invasive, ablative fractional laser system that delivers a full spectrum of aesthetic treatment from Fractional MicroDermAblation(TM: 108.90, +0.58, +0.53%) (FMDA(TM: 108.90, +0.58, +0.53%)) treatment to Fractional Deep Dermal Ablation(TM: 108.90, +0.58, +0.53%) (FDDA(TM: 108.90, +0.58, +0.53%)) treatment. It is the only ablative resurfacing device capable of being operated by a single clinician, because of its built-in smoke evacuation system, and capable of treating at depths from 300 micrometers (um) to 1.6 mm into the dermis, all in a single hand piece.
"What is so exciting is that the Fraxel re:pair laser system addresses all three elements of photodamage that my patients want to improve: pigmentation, fine lines and elasticity," said Gregory Nikolaidis, M.D., president, Westlake Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Austin, Texas. "The Fraxel re:pair system is the only laser treatment available for patients who want dramatic results comparable to a mild facelift, but without the associated risks and recovery time."
Dedicated to providing clinicians with laser systems that meet the broad range of patients' needs, Reliant Technologies is currently studying the Fraxel re:pair laser as a treatment for acne scars(1) and atrophic scars.(1) More than 500 subjects are being evaluated in ongoing clinical trials with the Fraxel re:pair laser.
Findings of the two-year, multi-site clinical study of the Fraxel re:pair system will be presented at the AAD annual meeting. Some of the key sessions are listed below.
-- The presentation titled, "Carbon Dioxide Fractional Laser Rejuvenation," will be given by Christopher Zachary, FRCP, on Friday, Feb. 1, 2008 at 11:05 a.m.
-- The presentation titled, "Fractional Resurfacing with the Fraxel Laser," will be given by Tina S. Alster, M.D., on Saturday, Feb. 2, 2008 at 10 a.m.
-- The presentation titled, "Fractional Ablative Resurfacing," will be given by Christopher Zachary, FRCP, on Saturday, Feb. 2, 2008 at 10:30 a.m.
-- The forum titled, "Fractional Laser & Light-Based Technologies," will be led by Vic A. Narurkar, M.D., from 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 3, 2008.
The Fraxel re:pair laser system was recently granted the industry's only FDA 510(K: 48.59, +0.79, +1.65%) clearance for a fractional ablative device for the treatment of wrinkles, rhytides, furrows, fine lines, textural irregularities, pigmented lesions and vascular dyschromia, joining the prior clearance for skin resurfacing.
"The Fraxel re:pair laser, the latest addition to the Fraxel family of laser systems, continues the Reliant tradition of offering consumers choices when considering an aesthetic procedure to safely and effectively eliminate skin damage caused by age or the environment," said Anja Krammer, vice president of marketing for Reliant Technologies. "Whatever a patient's skin concern, Reliant offers a treatment that fits their lifestyle without the common side effects associated with surgical procedures."
About the Fraxel Systems
The Fraxel(R: 55.21, +3.21, +6.17%) family of products, which includes the Fraxel re:pair(TM: 108.90, +0.58, +0.53%), Fraxel re:store(TM: 108.90, +0.58, +0.53%) and the Fraxel re:fine(TM: 108.90, +0.58, +0.53%) laser systems, has quickly become the industry standard for fractional aesthetic skin treatment. Unlike traditional laser devices, Fraxel brand laser systems treat microscopic volumes of skin with each unique pulse, leaving the surrounding area intact for fast healing. Fraxel lasers have received multiple FDA clearances and have been found safe and effective in treating many areas of the face and body. The versatility of the product line ensures that patients can choose the best treatment for various stages of their lives as their skin care needs evolve.
The Fraxel re:pair laser is the breakthrough device that provides Ablative Fractional Resurfacing (AFR(TM: 108.90, +0.58, +0.53%)) treatment, with the most clinical testing of any product in the fractional ablative category. Fraxel re:pair treatment has been clinically proven to improve wrinkles, rhytides, furrows, fine lines, textural irregularities, pigmented lesions and vascular dyschromia in a multi-site, multi-phase study of more than 400 treatments.
The Fraxel re:store laser, delivering Non-ablative Fractional Resurfacing (NFR(TM: 108.90, +0.58, +0.53%)) treatment, was introduced in 2004 and has been adopted by more than 1,500 dermatologists, plastic surgeons and aesthetic physicians worldwide. It is the accepted gold standard for treating acne scars and periorbital wrinkles, and for skin resurfacing procedures on the face, neck, chest and hands.
The Fraxel re:fine laser, offering superficial non-invasive skin rejuvenation, combines the unique method of fractional delivery with a lighter treatment. Performed in 20-25 minutes, Fraxel re:fine treatment is excellent for medical spas and family physicians seeking a safe and gentle option.
About Reliant Technologies
Reliant Technologies develops clinical solutions to rejuvenate aging and environmentally damaged skin. Reliant is dedicated to providing the most ergonomic and effective products to the global aesthetic marketplace. The company pioneered the development of fractional laser resurfacing that relies on novel high-speed scanning systems and the Intelligent Optical Tracking(R: 55.21, +3.21, +6.17%) system to produce safe and effective results with minimal recovery time. Reliant is based in Mountain View, Calif. For more information, visit
(1) Not yet FDA cleared.
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