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Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Heane Family Press Conference Hoax or not?

From the moment they found Falcon Heene, AKA Balloon Boy, in the Heene Family attic, the world started screaming "Hoax" and stating the whole Balloon Boy incident was a scheme orchistrated to get media attention. After all, the Heene family is no stranger to attention seeking behaviour... they were on "Wife Swap" after all. ABC described them as a "storm-chasing, science-obsessed family".

Richard Heane at the centre of a Heane Family Hoax sit with Balloon Boy son, Falcon Heane

Even Meghan McCain, who was caught in her own cleavage induced contraversy had this to say about the Heene Family Balloon Boy Hoax -
OK, at least I didn't dupe the media into thinking I flew away in a homemade balloon :-)

To further clarify the Heene Famil Hoax, Falcon Heene seemed to out the Heene Family Balloon Box Hoax when he said "You said we did this for a show," after his father asked why he didn't come down from the attic earlier.

In response the the Heene Family Hoax allegations, Richard Heane said "I'm going to have a press conference out here at, let's say, 10 a.m. Okay? So it's a few more hours. So, I'd like to speak everybody about a few things. Okay? So, it's a big announcement."

So 10 AM has been and gone, so what was the big Heane Family announcement? Well, it appears to be yet another attempt at increasing the amount of attention the Heane Family is getting after their apparent "Balloon Boy Hoax". at the promised time of the "Press Conference" Richard Heane emerged displaying a box into which he invited the media to submit questions, to be answered this evening.

"Friends are telling me they're saying this and that," he said this morning about the allegations. "I have no idea what the news is saying - I don't have cable. Okay?"

"Can we just ask our questions at all?" said one of the reporters assembled.

"No. Not at all," he replied.

When a reporter asked, "Would you just say once and for all, was this some sort of publicity stunt? Was this a hoax? And will you talk to the police today?"

"Absolutely no hoax," was Heene's reply. "I want your questions in the box. I'll get right back to you. Okay?"

So once again it seems, Richard Heane is lengthening the whole Heane Family Hoax now known as the Balloon Boy Hoax. The promised 10AM press conference has turned out to be no more than one more photo op for the Hoax embroiled Heane Family and the whole Balloon Boy incident. Perhaps, Richard Heane is consulting with lawyers. After all, if the Balloon Boy incident ends up being a Heane Family Hoax, the media seaking family will be responsible for a hefty rescue bill.

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