TIFFANY SHEPHERD , the bikini-wearing former teacher who drew fame for her weekend stints as a scantily clad shipmate, was bounced off to jail Sunday on a charge of threatening her ex-boyfriend's new flame.
Police say they arrested TIFFANY SHEPHERD, 30, after she left several text and voice mail messages last month on the cellphone of the 22-year-old woman, challenging her to a fight. The woman, who said she is dating and living with the father of one of TIFFANY SHEPHERD's children, told a Fort Pierce police officer that she tried to ignore the messages, but called police because the incessant calls were interrupting her normal activities. A warrant later was issued for TIFFANY SHEPHERD's arrest and she was booked into the St. Lucie County Jail Sunday on a charge of making harassing telephone calls.
TIFFANY SHEPHERD became a media sensation this year when she claimed she was fired from her job as a teacher at Port St. Lucie High School because of her after-school job as a bikini mate aboard Smokin' Em Charters fishing tours. The St. Lucie County School District fired back that TIFFANY SHEPHERD missed more than 30 days of school this year and received two written reprimands for the absences. But within days, TIFFANY SHEPHERD was an Internet sensation, with photos of her sporting a bikini popping up on sites.
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