Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station is a Canadian nuclear power station located in Point Lepreau, New Brunswick. The facility derives its name from the headland situated at the westernmost part of Saint John County upon which it is located (west of the city of Saint John).
The facility was constructed between 1975-1983 by the provincial Crown corporation, NB Power.
Southern New Brunswick and southwestern Nova Scotia were battening down Sunday in anticipation of Kyle, the 11th named storm of the current hurricane season.
Kyle's track was expected to bring it ashore near Point Lepreau, N.B., just west of the city of Saint John late Sunday or early Monday.
The strike on Point Lepreau New Brunswick is of particular interest because Point Lepreau is the home of the Only Nuclear Power facility in Eastern Canada.
The Point Lepreau station is the only nuclear facility located in eastern Canada and comprises 1 CANDU nuclear reactor located on the northern shore of the Bay of Fundy, having a total output of 640 MW (capacity net) and 680 MW (gross net).
Point Lepreau's CANDU 6 reactor was designed to last 25 years and was scheduled to be mothballed by 2008. In July 2005 NB Power announced that it was awarding Atomic Energy of Canada Limited a $1.4 billion (CAD) contract for refurbishing the generating station. This will extend the reactor's lifespan by approximately 30 years.
In 2007, AECL and partners in the Canadian nuclear industry began a $2.5 million feasibility study regarding the installation of a new 1100 MWe Advanced CANDU reactor at Point Lepreau, to supply power to New England.
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