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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sandra Bernhard Slams Sarah Palin in her Jewish Centre Performance

Sandra Bernhard is a gut-grabbing performer who has no qualms about opening her mouth and letting all manner of things fly out: raw high notes, celebrity dish, political vitriol. Which brings us back to Sarah Palin. Bernhard mixes her sense of outrage over the Alaska governor's selection -- you get the distinct impression that the audience at Theater J is no more down with the choice than she is -- with a "street" type of souped-up bravado.

After Bernhard declares in the D.C. Jewish Community Center that if Sarah Palin were to step onto her Manhattan turf, "I'll tear her apart like a Wise natural kosher chicken," the explosive laugh derives as much from the sneering vehemence of her delivery as the idea of the evangelical Christian candidate as kosher poultry. (Not to mix beefy metaphors, but judging from the raucous response in the Goldman Theater, a partisan audience seems primed right now for this kind of confrontational red meat.)

Sandra Bernhard further went on to say that Sarah Palin would be GANG RAPED BY BLACKS in Manhattan

Sandra's Show wears its politically VERY correct heart on its sleeve with its indictment of America as "A Man’s World, It’s a White Man’s World, It’s a F–ked Up White Man’s Racist World" and can only be suggested to be racist in its content if one is hell-bent on protecting White Folk for Sandra’s blistering indictment.When Sandra warns Sarah Palin not to come into Manhattan lest she get gang-raped by some of Sandra’s big black brothers

Now you got Uncle Women, like Sarah Palin, who jumps on the s--t and points her fingers at other women. Turncoat b---h! Don’t you f--kin’ reference Old Testament, bitch! You stay with your new Goyish crappy shiksa funky bulls--t! Don’t you touch my Old Testament, you b---h! Because we have left it open for interpre-ta-tion! It is no longer taken literally! You whore in your f--kin' cheap New Vision cheap-ass plastic glasses and your [sneering voice] hair up. A Tina Fey-Megan Mullally brokedown bulls--t moment.

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